1. Wizards 101
*"Wizard101 is a Free Online Multiplayer Wizard school adventure game with collectible card magic, wizard duels, and far off worlds! The game allows players to create a student Wizard in an attempt to save Wizard City and explore many different worlds.
-->Wizard101 is Free to Play! Wizards can complete Wizard City and explore far off worlds with a Subscription or individual areas can be unlocked forever with "Pay-by-Area". Sign Up and start playing right away! For more information about Subscriptions and Pay-by-Area, click here."
*You can buy cards at Game Stop and other places. For example, pay $10, get a card where you scratch off to see a code, enter the code, and get 1000 points. With some cards, you can get a free pet.
2. Pirates of the Caribbean
*Click here for an overview.
3. Poptropica
*"Poptropica® is a virtual world in which kids explore and play in complete safety. Every month, millions of kids from around the world are entertained and informed by Poptropica's engaging quests, stories, and games. "
4. Webkinz
*Purchase a Webkinz pet at stores such as Hallmark. (You can also buy trading cards, outfits, jewelry and more--all come with codes which bring surprise objects into your pet's world.) Open the tag to find your code. Enter your code and go through your pet adoption. Your stuffed pet becomes virtual on the computer. Remember to feed, water, and exercise your pet or it's health will suffer.
5. ToonTown
* Another one from Disney. "Build cartoon characters, paint them crazy colors, give them funny names, and send them on adventures!"
6. JumpStart
*"JumpStart is an award-winning adventure-based 3D virtual world that is super-personalized, wildly imaginative and really fun, but don't let that fool you - it also teaches math, reading, and critical thinking skills so kids get a real jump start in life." Wonderful, engaging learning world. You can start for free, but if your child/student is really interested, you will be trapped into purchasing a membership.
7. Tracksters
*Purchase a car at places such as Amazon.
*"Tracksters are the ultimate mix of diecast cars and virtual play! This online game allows players to match cars they design in head to head races. Purchase a highly detailed diecast car that comes with a special code which allows you to enter the Tracksters virtual world. You can trick out your car and fine tune it for maximum race efficiency. Fun for all ages!"
8. Dr. Z has added Club Penguin for the list. Looks like a child can play for awhile, but must become a member for further options (like many of the others listed). Again, cards can be purchased at places like Target or WalMart. The code enables a one to six month long membership.
All of these are educational in some aspects, but not necessarily for classroom use. JumpStart would be the closest to an educational virtual world on my list above. For education, take a look at Oracle ThinkQuest's Virtual World's page.
Well, I listed 7 virtual world's that I know about first-hand. Can you help me add a couple more? Then, we can be as savvy as the cats.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea to find 9 Virtual Worlds for students. Have you checked out Club Penguin? I have visited it and it basically provides students with a place to hang out virtually. http://tinyurl.com/nhg6d It is free unless you want some additional options. The membership is $6/month.
Sara--you are very impressive. Dr. Z--if you check comments, please put me in Sara's group whenever possible :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this list, Sara (and your additional title, Dr. Z!) I teach a basic course for preservice teachers and would like them to experience a virtual world, but with all there is to cover in the course, 2nd life seems a bit overwhelming...and, although I know many courses are taught completely in a virtual world, I think that would overwhelm me! But maybe I could build in one of these sites so they would have some experience!
ReplyDeleteBTW, your cookie image is making me hungry.
Sara, thanks for the great resources. I'm going to pass this along to friends and family that could use this information.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great list Sara! May I suggest www.ekidnaworld.com it is am Australian-themed virtual world, where kids adopt an indigenous Australian animal and play games inspire by activities one can do in Australia.